The was conceived and created and is developed and managed by


Alessandro Zampa

High School Diploma of Industrial expert in Industrial electronics from ITI “Arturo Malignani”, Udine — Italy
Degree in physics from University of Trieste — Italy
Ph.D. in Mathematical physics from SISSA/ISAS, Trieste - Italy
Teacher of mathematics at Liceo Scientifico Statale “Giovanni Marinelli”, Udine — Italy
Member of the American Mathematical Society
Member of Società Italiana di Scienze Matematiche e Fisiche MATHESIS
Member of Sezione di Udine della MATHESIS
Secretary of the Council of Sezione di Udine della MATHESIS


MissionMathematics is a peculiar discipline often experienced dramatically as it is considered very difficult, too abstract and completely divorced from reality, to the point that many — among them personalities of humanist culture — boast they can not understand it at all. Instead, this science is rooted precisely in everyday experience and is nourished by the observation skills and human creativity, so as to penetrate deeper and deeper into the mysteries under its care. Contrary to popular belief, mathematicians are not interested in calculating for its own shake, but into the understanding of the structures that emerge from the assumption of certain rules of the game. from the study of which arise countless surprises to fascinate even the most disenchanted people. seeks the dual purpose

  • first of all, to fill the gap between the knowledge of a person of average education and what mathematical research is able to achieve, and
  • secondarily, to encourage the developement of frontier research.

Since the scientific literature already has all the tools necessary for its developement, aims to become a reference for the study of mathematics, starting from its bases until reaching an appropriate level for entry into the world of research.For the purpose there have been provided specific sections collecting articles able to

  • explain the many concepts of mathematics in all their facets,
  • showing their applications both in science and technology, and in the humanities, and
  • allowing the understanding of how mathematics has been and continues to be an instrument of validation, as well as inspiration, for the highest artistic works of humanity.

The different themes are addressed from a problematic situation that is developed, using various strategies, to achieve an effective solution from the point of view of the problem and the utility of the new concept introduced also in anticipation of their applicability in other contexts. Items are divided by levels of complexity of the discussion, so the user can consciously choose what to read and how to continue further study. In the section on art it is given ample space to the creativity of anyone who wants to try their hand at creating high artistic content regarding mathematical concepts. All materials on this site are validated by experts in the field to provide the highest possible quality. also provides a tool, mainly in the service of schools and universities but also for self-taught students, for the didactics of flipped learning type: courses have been set up consisting of video-lectures interspersed with intermediate tests and with a final verification, of type pass / fail without graduation, which would certify the acquisition of minimum skills required to face a test, by the teacher, to check the level of mastery. Teachers can manage groups of students through constant monitoring of the learning process and the management of dedicated forums. It is provided the possibility to access data on the process by the student tutors and by the School Director / Head of academic departement.

To encourage the developement of frontier research provides researchers — and anyone intending to ude them — some support tools such as the Mathematics Subject Classification developed by the editorial staffs of  Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt für Mathematik, the search for scientific articles and preprints, access to online scientific communities and, above all, a space dedicated to the proposal for innovative research lines to be developed in the future.

For those wo want to engage in further study of mathematics provides educational resources adapted to a flipped learning type of didactic.

Site's courses have the following standard structure:

  • Explanatory video
  • Verification of acquisition of the main points
  • Explanatory video
  • Verification of acquisition of the main points
  • ...
  • Summative assessment of acquisition of skills

Final assessment is of type pass / fail without graduation of the outcome, since it serves as a filter to decide whether the student meets the minimum standard required to demonstrate mastery of the subject in a test purposely prepared by the teacher.

Anyone can take advantage of site’s courses by registering with the role of student. You can also register with the role of parent to see the results of your children, with the role of teacher to manage groups of students and with the role of dean to observe the advancement of the work of your faculty and student groups.

Teachers can propose new courses providing the corresponding material: if proposals will be considered worthy of publication and if adequate resources will be available, the new courses will be implemented.

ContattiGiven that perfection does not exist,it may be that at some point the information given may not be clear. For this reason there are available, below , a few links to specific contact forms that users can exploit to ask for further explanations, to propose observations / constructive criticism or to give some useful suggestions. Only communications concerning what listed below, sent through the correct form, will be accepted.


This contact form is to be used for requests for further information or for any constructive criticism or suggestions to improve services.
This contact form is to be used to comunicate an alleged infringement of copyright regarding the content of it is necessary to accurately indicate the content object of the dispute and the holder of the copyright. It is the responsibility af the site administrator to take measures to ensure that the situation is regularised. Please note that the only responsible for the violation is the creator of the content.