Diritti d'autoreAll the basic content of the site, except for the material obtained from third parties, is the exclusive property of the administrator, which gives users the rights to display in their devices and use of registration services and functionality matched to the corresponding profiles.




Rights related to content posted by users


The user-created content and related rights are the exclusive property of the same, if not otherwise stated by him, who grants MathVerse.org the perpetual rights

  • to store in the server,
  • to disseminate through the site pages,
  • to translate into the second language if produced by users in one language only,
  • to add links to other articles of the site both in the body and in a special section within the sitography.

These rights will remain in force even after the cancellation of the user. However, the site is committed to mention the author of each contribution by his user name if still registered or first and last name if deleted from the site. MathVerse.org and its administrator are not responsible in case the author is registered under a false name, or impersonating others, causing the appearance in the article of the name of someone other than the actual author. Similarly, there is no liability in the case of homonymous: a person of the same name of the author may not request the deletion of the article from the site simply because he does not appear to be its creator. In any case, authoring rules of MathVerse.org ensure that published materials can not damage the reputation of anyone.

Authors may elect to grant more rights to users, for example to publish the content in the public domain, according to one of the Creative Commons licenses, or else: in any case, at the bottom of the article its creator whill have to incorporate a clause on the license under which the material is published. The clause can bee

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where the asterisk indicates the above mentioned rights granted to MathVerse.org, or any legally valid statement and bearing in superscript, in the end, the asterisk with the same meaning just mentioned. Without the indication of the license, the most restrictive clause (as above) will be automatically inserted.


Rights during the creation of content


Until after publication the authors retain all exclusive rights to the content and, only at the request of publication, grant MathVerse.org the right to send it to a competent moderator.

Moreover, in order to prevent the squandering of resources authors allow the site administrator the right to consult the article being created in order to monitor the progress and timing of the update tasks: the lack of change over two consecutive months will result in its cancellation and the sending of an e-mail alert to the author laying attached the material produced so far. The author can then resume the writing without losing what has already been done.